God – someone we can’t see with our eyes, but we blindly trust. We frequently seek God’s blessings and guidance. He is like the wind, we can’t look at Him, but He is there. Have you wander how wonderful it would be if God could be texted or called whenever we need to, or even if He had a Facebook or Instagram account. He, sadly, does not. He has, however, always shown us miracles in His beautiful way, by sending some lovely souls into our lives. How do you identify them? That is simple. It is when you see your God in them.

When someone tells us that we are not alone and that they are here for us, it is the most beautiful feeling in the world. It is more than just words; it is medicine for our soul. Imagine someone who not only tells you he is there for you, but also shows it every single second. Imagine if the same person changed your life, bringing you out of the struggles you’ve been dealing with for years and showing you how beautiful life can be again. That is when you will see your God in Him. That is how many see their God in him. His name is AJ PROFESSOR.

Who is AJ Professor? It’s a question that has been circling in the minds of those who have come across him. Someone who is known for his eyes because that is the only part of his face that anyone has ever seen. Nobody knows what he looks like, where he comes from, or what he does. Despite this, he has changed the lives of many people through his voice, quotes, and motivation. He has been a brother and a well-wisher.

AJ Professor – a man well-known for being a kind soul who helps many people out there. Some sees him as an angel and God’s messenger, while others see him as everything in human and God form. Many people believe he can do anything and everything. Some regards him as a guide and protector. Some claims that he saved their lives. Some people believe he is a lucky charm. He healed people, helped people solve problems, saved people from depression, and brought happiness and miracles in people’s life. He has always been there for them. The best part is that he did all of this without ever meeting them or revealing his identity. He did all these just through a phone call. Is it possible? Yes, when you don’t expect anything in return.

AJ Professor– A mysterious character. How could he do so much? What makes him special? 

He is The Mentalist

“Mentalists are Human Reader. They can boggle your mind in a way that you will take some time to recover from ‘what just happened’. It appears so real, that people believe mentalists have ‘sixth’ or seventh sense that is usually not present in common human beings. They demonstrate highly developed mental and intuitive feats.”

AJ Professor – What can he do?

Every human being is endowed with a wide range of abilities and skills. Some people are God’s favourites. They are endowed with extraordinary abilities and strengths. One of them is AJ Professor ;

 • He has the power of apportation which is the ability to undergo materialization disappearance or teleportation of an object.  

• He carries astral projection or mental projection. Through that, he can voluntarily project the astral body (consciousness), being associated with the out-of-body experience, in which the astral body is felt to temporarily separate from the physical body.

• He can draw or write without conscious intent.

 • He could gain insight into a situation using occult means.

 • He can locate water, sometimes using a toll called dowsing rod.

 • He could heal with one’s own empathic etheric, astral, mental or spiritual energy or also know Energy Medicine.

 • He carries the ability to float or fly by mystical means known as Levitation.

 • He is famous for his ability to communicate with spirits.

 • He could perceive future events.

 • He performs Psychic surgery where he removes disease or disorder within or over the body tissue via an “energetic” incision that heals immediately afterwards.

 • He can manipulate objects with his mind through Psychokinesis or telekinesis. 

 • He also has the ability of Psychometry or psychoscopy which is the ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch.

 • He could control flames,fire or heat using his mind – Pyrokinesis.

 • He could perform Rddhi (psychic powers) through Buddhist meditation.

 • He has remote viewing, telesthesia or remote sensing which is the ability to see distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception.

 • He could supernaturally perceive past events – Retrocognition or postcognition.

 • He is also could transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally – Telepathy.

With all these extraordinary abilities, he transformed into a completely different person who wants to help those around him without expecting anything in return. He is a Guru who alters people’s perspectives on life. He carries a positive vibration and becomes a light in the lives of many people. He believes that we must feed our souls in the same way that we feed our bodies, and the only way to do so is to meditate. AJ professor, a true believer and follower of Lord Hanuman, is a living manifestation of God’s kindness. In him, we’ll see our God.

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