AM Foundation dedicates two Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCC) for underprivileged communities in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

AM Foundation dedicates two Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCC) for underprivileged communities in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Chennai: AM Foundation, the corporate social responsibility arm of Singapore-headquartered AM International Holdings Pte. Ltd (AMIH), recently inaugurated two Primary Health Care Centres (PHCCs) around the plant sites of its group entities Tamilnadu Petroproducts Limited (TPL) and Manali Petrochemicals Limited (MPL) in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Primary healthcare is at the heart of AMIH’s sustainable impact investment and CSR strategy. AM Foundation, which caters to the consolidated CSR efforts of the AMIH group entities, pursues this objective through initiatives that bridge the gap in the healthcare ecosystem by bringing quality healthcare closer to the most vulnerable communities.

The PHCC at Sadayan Kuppam, Manali, was undertaken as part of TPL’s CSR initiatives while the PHCC located at Kalaignar Nagar, Chennai is part of MPL’s contribution.  Together, the two PHCCs will cater to the primary healthcare needs of around 7,000 people from the marginalised communities residing in these areas.

Commenting on the initiative, Mr Ashwin Muthiah, Chairman AM Foundation & Founder Chairman, AM International group, Singapore, said, “We believe that access to primary healthcare is the right of every individual. Setting up PHCCs at locations around our plants and offices empowers local and marginalised communities with better medical facilities at their doorstep.

The pandemic has put pressure on the current health infrastructure. The PHCCs are our way of building sustainable healthcare infrastructure that will foster well-being and healthy living in the community at large.”

The PHCC at Sadayan Kuppam, Manali, was inaugurated by Mr D. Senthi Kumar, Whole Time Director-Operations, TPL, Mr K. T. Vijayagopal, Whole Time Director-Finance, TPL, and Mr K. K. Rajagopalan, Director, AM Foundation. The PHCC at Kalaignar Nagar, Chennai, was inaugurated by Mr M. Karthikeyan, Whole-time Director (Operations), MPL. and Mr K. K. Rajagopalan, Director, AM Foundation.

The Foundation identified the need for primary healthcare services for people living in the vicinity of the factories of TPL and MPL and the surrounding outskirts of Chennai. The PHCCs will help provide primary healthcare services to economically weaker sections such as daily wage earners in nearby factories and areas. AM Foundation has surveyed more areas, and plans are underway to finalise two to three locations for setting up more PHCCs, besides medical lab services and mobile clinics for patients in remote areas.

Through its partnerships with state government agencies, the Foundation provides communities in rural regions with primary care, from prevention to treatment. Presently, its efforts are focused on improving the quality of lives of the marginalised communities in Tamil Nadu, India.

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