Financial Results for the Quarter ended 30thJune 2023

Financial Results for the Quarter ended 30thJune 2023

Key Highlights (Quarter ended Jun’23 over Jun’22)

Net profit up by 41% YoY

Operating Profit up by 16% YoY

• Net Profit up by 41% YoY at 1709 Cr in Jun’23 from 1213Cr in Jun’22

• Profit Before Tax up by 78% YoY at 2394 Cr in Jun’23 from ₹1345 Cr in Jun’22

• Operating Profit grew by 16% YoY at 4135 Cr in Jun’23from 3564 Cr in Jun’22

• Net Interest Income increased by 26% YoY to 5703 Cr in Jun’23 from 4534 Cr in Jun’22

• Fee based income grew by 7% YoY to 671 Cr in Jun’23

• Cost-to-Income Ratio stood at 44.22in Jun’23

• Domestic NIM improved to 3.61% in Jun’23 from 3.10% in Jun’22

• Return on Assets (RoA) improved to 0.95% in Jun’23 from0.73% in Jun’22

• Return on Equity (RoE) increased to 17.88% in Jun’23 from14.18% in Jun’22

• Total Business recorded a YoY growth of 9reaching the level of 1100943 Cr in Jun’23 from ₹1009454 Cr in Jun’22

• Advances increased by 13% YoY to 479404 Cr in Jun’23 from 425203 Cr in Jun’22

• RAM (Retail, Agriculture & MSME) advances grew by 13%YoY to 276435 Cr in Jun’23 from 244247 Cr in Jun’22

• RAM contribution to gross domestic advances is 61%. RetailAgri advances grew by 16% YoY each while MSME advances grew by 7% YoYHome Loan (Including mortgage) grew by 14% YoYAuto Loan by 29% YoY and Personal Loan by 52% YoY

• Deposits grew by 6% YoY and reached to 621539 Cr in Jun’23

• CASA deposits recorded a YoY growth of 5% and stood at 250242 Cr in Jun’23. The share of CASA to total deposits stood at 40%.

• GNPA decreased by 266 bps YoY to 5.47% in Jun’23 from 8.13% in Jun’22, NNPA reduced by 142 bps YoY to 0.70from 2.12% in Jun’22

• Provision Coverage Ratio (PCR, including TWOimprovedby 702 bps YoY to 95.10% from 88.08% in Jun’22


Key Highlights (Quarter ended Jun’23 over Mar’23)

Capital Adequacy Ratio stood at 15.78%. CET-I Tier ICapital at 12.31% & 12.88% respectively

• Net Profit up by 18% QoQ to 1709 Cr in Jun’23 from 1447 Cr in Mar’23

• Profit Before Tax up by 65% QoQ at 2394 Cr in Jun’23 from ₹1452 Cr in Mar’23

• Operating Profit stood at 4135 Cr in Jun’23 as against4016 Cr in Mar’23

• Net Interest Income stood at 5703 Cr in Jun’23 as against5508 Cr in Mar’23

• Return on Assets (RoAimproved by 13 bps QoQ to 0.95%in Jun’23

• Return on Equity (RoEimproved by 240 bps QoQ to17.88% in Jun’23

• Cost-to-Income Ratio improved by 225 bps QoQ to 44.22%in Jun’23

• Priority Sector portfolio stood at 160863 Cr in Jun’23. Priority sector advances as a percentage of ANBC stood at 44as against the regulatory requirement of 40%.


• The Bank has 5798 domestic branches including 3 Digital Banking Units (DBUs), out of which 1970 are Rural, 1517are Semi-Urban, 1168 are Urban & 1143 are in Metrocategory. The Bank has 3 overseas branches & 1 IFSC Banking Unit (IBU).

• The Bank has 4804 ATMs & BNAs and 10805 number of Business Correspondents (BCs).

Digital Banking:

• Transactions through ATM, BNA & Digital channels improved by 7% YoY in Q1FY24.

• Mobile Banking users increased by 36% YoY.

• UPI users and transactions increased by 33% YoY and 85%YoY respectively.

• During Q1FY24, the Bank has launched various Digital Journeys under its Digital Transformation Programme.

Awards & Accolades:

• Bank received the following awards for excellent performance in enrollment of Atal Pension Yojana (APY) scheme:

➢ APY Leadership Pinnacle Exemplary Award of Par Excellence (Campaign for MD & CEO of banks): Indian Bank topped among all the PSBs with 181.95% achievement of the target.

➢ APY National Championship Cup for Sponsor Banks and RRBs: Bank stood 2nd Best among all the teams- received APY Championship Trophy of Par-Excellence along with APY Championship Exemplary Award.

Our Focus:

We strive to enhance customer satisfaction by leveraging digital technologies, delivering customised experiences and proactively resolving customers’ issues. Through continuous staff trainings and a customer-centric approach, we focus to build trust, promote financial literacy and empower individuals and businesses to achieve their financial goals.