How to Network

How to Network

Good PR eventually boils down to having good networking and communication expertise. Whether you’re working at a PR agency or are looking for some publicity coverage for your brand, networking skills are a must-have. For some networking abilities come naturally while others may have to work at it a lot. Whether you’re a beginner or pro at this, we’ve some expert tips that can help you network better. 

Wear confidence 

When you’re at an event or get-together, you must set your best foot forward. Being well-groomed and well- dressed always makes you feel more confident and gives you that good first impression. Be polite and gracious with people you meet. appear confident and you’ll find more people trying to get to know you. Make eye contact and smile, this not only makes you look more confident but also gives you that connection. 

Go for events 

To be a good networker, you must laboriously attend events associated to your industry. You must also get to be part of associations and clubs related to your industry or interests. You would never know whom you may meet! This helps you develop your circle, your ideas and your limits. 


No matter what sort of event you’re going to, remember that you have to appear knowledgeable and have an engaging discussion. This means that you have to stay abreast of current affairs and also lighter news on cinema and so on. This will keep you from getting tongue – tied. Take your business cards. Get the discussion going by asking open-ended questions. 

Keep the discussion going! 

At a networking event, it’s important that you aren’t just a good speaker, be a nice listener too. Listen and also join in with commentary and replies tro show that you’re genuinely interested. Let the discussion keep going and don’t try to dominateit.However, take the action, watch out for spaces when a person is free and introduce yourself, If you aren’t ready to get to someone to introduce you to others. 

Move on 

Not all networking connections would be useful to you, if you find a contact who you suppose is of no use or that you ca n’t relate to, cut the discussion short politely and move ahead. 

Follow journalists 

A great part of the success of PR is about how well- connected you’re with the media. Do your research well by following journalists on social media. This will help you know them better and come in handy when you meet and interact. 

Make a sustainable impact 

Make sure there’s something that greatly differentiates you from the rest and makes people remember you. It could be a hobbyhorse or a gift. It could be a way of talking or a standpoint. 

Follow Up 

Once you meet someone at a networking event, do n’t stop with that! Make sure that you regularly follow-up. Reach out through an electronic mail, social media or LinkedIn. nonetheless, do this with caution, don’t hound someone on social media right after a first meeting. You could likely start with an electronic mail, LinkedIn connect or with a small whatsapp communication. Based on their response, you could advance. 

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